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OurCrowd Weekly Newsletter

Startup Roundup

Israeli big data company, Sisense, raises $50M 

Israeli big data startup Sisense has closed $50 million in Series D financing. The company is striving to disrupt the business intelligence market with its business analytics software.


OurCrowd & Portfolio Companies in the News


CEO Jon Medved on 

Bloomberg TV

Replay Technologies in


Consumer Physics in



ReWalk featured in 


OurCrowd featured in

Crowdfund Insider

MST featured in




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Technology Corner

CES 2016: The best of Israeli tech

Whether it is Mobileye’s driver-less car technologies or the smart garden system from GreenIQ, the Israeli companies showcasing this week at CES 2016 are wowing the crowds with their cool products, apps and gadgets. 



Trending Israeli Entrepreneurs

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich on teaming up with Israeli sports-video tech firm

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announced that Intel is working with Israel’s Replay Technologies to deliver new viewing experiences for sports fans on broadcast, in the stadium and at home.



Tech companies helping the Startup Nation comes of age

As its technology sector matures, Israel is seeing more companies expand to employ hundreds of people locally, achieving valuations of $1B or more and gaining the status of 'unicorns'.



90 Israeli companies attend investor conference in China

About 150 Israeli businessmen representing ninety companies took part in an investors' conference in Beijing, which Ministry of Economy and Industry officials called "unprecedented."


OurCrowd's News Nuggets

News_NuggetsStartup Nation: Israeli Venture Capital firms raise over $1B in 2015 (NoCamels)
Internet of Things: The next big thing in Israeli tech [Infographic] (OurCrowd)
Malware detection company, TopSpin Security, raises $7M (Globes)
Israel made investment crowdfunding easier (Crowdfund Insider)
Israeli AdTech looks to scale up (TechCrunch)